HR Strategies Now logo.  HR Strategies Now is an HR consulting firm that enables businesses to attract, engage, motivate, and retain top talent for their organization.

Delivering practical HR solutions that help your business grow.

Buying and selling typically comes naturally to small business owners but setting up the structure and processes that drive employees to do their best work is a complex process.

That's why I'm here.

Brian Wallace, HR Strategies Now, HR Consulting, Human Resources, Consulting, Consult, SPHR

Brian Wallace, SPHR, MSM


About HR Strategies Now

HR Strategies Now is about creating and supporting solid HR practices that help your business grow. To a large extent, growth depends on your ability to attract, engage, and retain high quality talent… while controlling cost and reducing risk.  The challenge many small business owners face is in understanding how to make that happen.  With 25+ years of experience in the HR trenches, I'm here to help.


Many business leaders start by establishing core HR practices such as handbooks, policies and procedures, basic compensation and benefits, and compliance-based processes. That's a solid foundational approach.  But leaving it there results in a missed opportunity to create an intentional culture and practices that positively impact revenue and overall performance.  That’s why it’s important to work across the full spectrum of the HR Life Cycle. 

From HR Strategy through HR Admin practices (Nuts and Bolts), compensation and benefits, talent acquisition, on-boarding, training and development, performance management, employee relations and eventually off-boarding, it’s the combination of these elements that yields better performance and reduces risk.  Human Resources may not be a profit center but history has shown that if it is set-up properly and supported, substantial increases in revenue and profitability will follow.

The success of your business is my core objective. 

Why focus on Human Resources?

A company’s long-term success rarely comes from its wonderful products or slick technology alone. It comes from incredible client experiences that are driven by highly competent and engaged employees. It comes from employees who are clear on the direction and vision of the company and their ability to make the right decisions day-in and day-out, performing their work with a sense of pride.  

They believe in the company and are encouraged to grow and learn because of its employee value proposition and its future potential to do great things. They deliver excellence because of the company’s investment in them and the quality of leadership that they see demonstrated consistently. They can get a paycheck and benefits anywhere but they stay because they are loyal to the employment brand.  

Unless you are a solo entrepreneur launching your business, your best results are going to come from your Human Capital. That is the most valuable asset that you have as nothing else can build, stagnate or sink your business as quickly.   

If you think about truly great companies today, they are built on the knowledge, abilities, skills and experiences of their employees. Great human capital practices can create incredible wind for your sails but leaving your Human Resources activity to chance is like throwing an anchor overboard and dragging it behind you the whole journey. What a drag! You need to keep moving forward, recognizing that your employees and the quality of their work have a massive impact on your success.

They have the biggest impact on your client experience.

Their decisions directly influence your profitability.

Their work impacts your clients’ perception of your brand.

Their ideas have the potential to lead you to innovative processes or product offerings.

Their engagement level directly impacts your future growth.

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