One of the functional areas often neglected by small and medium-sized businesses is human resources. The reasoning is easy enough to understand. When a company is in its early stages, focused on establishing itself and carving out a niche in a highly competitive business environment, production, operational and front-line staffing tend to take priority over “back office” functions like human resources.
Unfortunately, this strategy is shortsighted and can cripple the company for a number of reasons. Businesses that succeed are focused on the long-term. For example, when a company is growing and pursuing larger opportunities, that’s when the need is greatest to find and hire highly qualified staff.
Without an HR team in place, recruitment is difficult. Even worse, the lack of HR resources can lead to existing staff becoming disgruntled and leaving for greener pastures, which can be extremely damaging to productivity and morale.
As companies grow, procedural issues such as workforce planning, compensation, performance management, training and development, labor law compliance, Workers Compensation administration, benefits programs, and payroll all become more demanding.
Many owners of smaller businesses that are growing feel caught in a trap. They can’t afford to create a human resources department like the big companies have, nor can they afford to focus on HR issues themselves for fear of losing growth momentum at a time when hands-on leadership is needed for operations.
The solution that many successful businesses have employed is to hire an HR consulting firm to evaluate the business and undertake critical services. Outsourcing one’s human resources department is a national trend—from top five banks to small businesses across the country. The benefits of working with an outside professional are many.
Choosing to outsource HR services has the advantage of providing experienced human resources support without the disruption, distraction and expense of implementing an onsite HR department.
A full-service HR firm like HR Strategies Now partners directly with you to ensure that your operational strategies can be executed through solid practices from the creation of your HR strategy to hiring, compensating, training, managing, leading and even off-boarding if necessary. It’s a matter of implementing the critical processes that will help you deliver your brand promises and improve your customer experience.
By being proactive, not only will you position yourself for intermediate and long-term success, but you will have an edge over your competition by hiring and retaining better employees.
One of the greatest advantages to engaging with HR Strategies Now is the short timeline that’s required for you to be seeing meaningful results. When you hire an HR Manager directly, you can expect that it will take upwards of 45 days to hire a candidate and 90 days for full on-boarding and acclimation. By taking advantage of common threads of practice across industries, HR Strategies Now can help advance your initiatives much more quickly and at a lower cost.
If you’re interested in learning more, contact HR Strategies Now at 281-853-4069.
(346) 525-3600
Cypress, TX
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